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Sunday, May 19, 2013


  1. Bismillahirahmaa nirrahiiiim
    Allohumasolli ala Muhammad Wa alaa alii Muhammad
    Bersabar lah kalian saudara ku
    Doa kami tetap salam terhadap kamu dan kami dan semua
    umat Muhammad di Bumi.
    Bergembiralah dengan Shahid
    Kesedihan itu hanya di dunia, kami turut bersedih
    Namun, Jadual Allah tetap berjalan.
    Selagi umat Islam berasa selesa kadangkala lupa akan syiar
    Sesungguhnya selepas kesulitan itu datang kemudahan
    dan Allah pasti menang.

  2. Dear Brother and Sister,
    Dear Muhammad's Ikhwan
    Be strong, be brave, continue your pray
    us continue pray
    Hope only to ALLAH no others
    Fight, Fight in the Name of ALLAH
    our pray fight with you
    Don't ever lost hope
    Even we cant revert the Great Schedule of Allah
    From there He love to give you or us
    Shahidd... Shahidd.
    Be moderate
    Keep Allah in our hearth
    Fight for the victory of Allah no for us

  3. Ya Allah...hancurkan lah rejim bashar
